Sunday, January 27, 2008

10 Worst Disasters of the Last 101 Years

Popular Mechanics recently posted an article on the 10 Worst Disasters of the Last 101 Years
and while it was interesting read there are two issues I have. The 10 worst disasters all took place in America? Talk about a self-centered view of the world! Also, it just goes to show that there has been extreme weather throughout the last century - was it global warming then?

1906: San Francisco Earthquake Fire

1910: The Big Burn

1993: Storm of the Century

1980: Mount St. Helens Eruption

2005: Hurricane Katrina

1964: The Great Alaskan Earthquake

1910: The Big Burn

1925: Tri-State Tornado

1918: Spanish Flu Pandemic

1938: The New England Hurricane

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