Oh, this is great. Seriously, I love how people go insane over these agressive dog storys.
In this article on CBC, Police shoot rampaging pitbull near popular beach, it talks about what happened for the RCMP to end up shooting the dog. You can read the story if you wish, its about how a dog escaped from an apartment building and "cornered" a 15 year old working in a surf shop and then the police had to shoot the dog.
My favorite lines in the article are ""He waited four or five minutes while the dog was lunging and barking hysterically. The officer fired his weapon and that was the end of it." - In four or five minutes couldn't they have done something else to restrain the dog, or does that make too much sense?
"Luckily, they [the dogs] didn't try to jump over the counter and go for his neck. There would have been a very serious situation. I don't like to think about it, really." Haha, yes, luckily the dogs didn't JUMP OVER THE COUNTER AND *GO FOR HIS NECK* - this is great stuff.
The dog was one of two pitbulls that had escaped from an apartment building adjacent to the surf shop and cornered the 15-year-old boy in the store Wednesday. Keith Clark, who owns both Happy Dudes Surf Shop and the apartment building, said the dogs ran into the shop where the teenager was working alone. The traumatized teenager has quit his job. How much of a sheltered life do you lead if you QUIT your job because a dog ran into the store and cornered you. Keeping in mind, NOTHING happened, he just got a scare. He QUIT. Something else must be going on there for him to quit over that - like seriously.
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