Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Nike Transfomers Shoes - AWESOME

Just check out these bad boys - Nike Transformers Shoes. How cool would it be to have a pair of these? Imagine having to get these back together so you can get your shoes on! I wonder how comfortable they are!

Hail Storm in Fort McMurray

The following are pictures of a Hail Storm that happened in Fort McMurry on July 29, 2007. I'm sure we all know it was global warming that caused this!

Monday, July 30, 2007

Habs re-sign Ryder to one year contract

On Sunday, July 29th, 2007 the Habs avoided arbitration by signing Ryder to a one year deal for $2.95 million. It appears to me that the Habs continue to not believe in what Ryder is doing and would rather avoid the potential risk of signing him to a long term contract.
If any other player put up the numbers Ryder has, he would be locked into a long term deal but yet the Habs keep signing him to short term contracts. Once this contract is up, then Ryder will hit the free agent market and look for a 4-5 year deal to give him some security.
By avoiding the risk of signing Ryder to a long term deal and not having him perform up to standards, Montreal assume the risk that Ryder continues his great play and will have to pay much more for his talent.

Regardless, lets all hope the Habs continue upon last season and make some noise in the post season!

Weird Sign

What is it trying to say to us?!

Friday, July 27, 2007

Pitbull attacks - run for your lives!

Oh, this is great. Seriously, I love how people go insane over these agressive dog storys.

In this article on CBC, Police shoot rampaging pitbull near popular beach, it talks about what happened for the RCMP to end up shooting the dog. You can read the story if you wish, its about how a dog escaped from an apartment building and "cornered" a 15 year old working in a surf shop and then the police had to shoot the dog.

My favorite lines in the article are ""He waited four or five minutes while the dog was lunging and barking hysterically. The officer fired his weapon and that was the end of it." - In four or five minutes couldn't they have done something else to restrain the dog, or does that make too much sense?

"Luckily, they [the dogs] didn't try to jump over the counter and go for his neck. There would have been a very serious situation. I don't like to think about it, really." Haha, yes, luckily the dogs didn't JUMP OVER THE COUNTER AND *GO FOR HIS NECK* - this is great stuff.

The dog was one of two pitbulls that had escaped from an apartment building adjacent to the surf shop and cornered the 15-year-old boy in the store Wednesday. Keith Clark, who owns both Happy Dudes Surf Shop and the apartment building, said the dogs ran into the shop where the teenager was working alone. The traumatized teenager has quit his job. How much of a sheltered life do you lead if you QUIT your job because a dog ran into the store and cornered you. Keeping in mind, NOTHING happened, he just got a scare. He QUIT. Something else must be going on there for him to quit over that - like seriously.

Is this the new iMac keyboard? (Possible Leaked Photos)

That's the rumored, "super slim," brushed aluminum keyboard said to be accompanying Apple's new iMac computer. OK, I admit, I fell for the Apple hype - I bought a Nano and a Macbook. However, I fail to see what is so great about it. I can't use half the software I want, it locks up just as much as any windows machine. I wish I had to use the money to buy a quality windows machine instead. Now you have Steve Jobs, the button phobia himself designing what appears to be a NORMAL KEYBOARD THAT LOOKS *GOOD* and people are going crazy.Unreal.

read more | digg story

The Simpsons Movie Review!

The movie defiantly lived up to the hype that was building. Me being one of 97 other people who saw the first showing (besides in the Springfield's) in North America. We got our tickets from someone who won tickets on a radio station called "97.5 K-Rock Newfoundland Classic Rock". The movie started at midnight and ended at 1:30 on 27/7/07.

The movie was great - classic Simpsons. You can watch it over and over and kill yourself laughing at parts you didn't even notice the first time. I really recommend it. I might even go see it a couple more times!!

Some classic lines:

"I will not illegally download this movie"
"Why would you waste your time paying to see something you can see on TV for free?"
"I like men now."
"I was elected to lead, not read."
"You can hold the bomb... Hey, what can I say, the guy knows me!"

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Cybersquatter Ordered to Return Simpsons Movie Domain Name

A U.N. agency has ruled that ownership of the domain name thesimpsonsmovie.com must be turned over to Twentieth Century Fox, which owns the rights to the film and the TV series called the Simpsons.

read more digg story

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Top 10 GMail Tweaks

GMail is great without any tweaking and I prefer it over the other web-based emails. However, here are the 10 most impressive GMail plugins and tweaks. There's plenty more to choose from but these in particular will make your life easier and enhance your GMail experience.

read more digg story

Monday, July 23, 2007

Wii Haters

Its the cycle of life, when something becomes successful its only a matter of time before people turn on it. Looks like there are a few Wii haters around!

How To Throw REGULAR Playing Cards REALLY HARD

How to throw a regular playing card like a PRO or like GAMBIT from Xmen. Well the cards wont explode or anything, but i'm sure it'd cause some pain. Distances of over 70 feet can be reached with this method. This video will teach you how to throw one or even THREE cards SIMULTANEOUSLY. Remember kids, play safe.

Shit Creek Paddle Stores

At least if I'm ever up Shit Creek I know where to shop now!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Running of the bulls

Last week, the annual Running of the Bulls took place. I've read that this one was one of the most dangerous yet. As you view the following photos, I would just like to say, I don't think I will ever take part in the run. Has anyone ever done it or know someone who has?

"Look at that guys shin!"

Video Post


This guy wrote a song as a parody of the famous Strong Bad song "Trogdor". If you didn't see or hear the original song or video

Trogdor Video


Thursday, July 19, 2007

Michael Vick - Explain this to us, please!

Michael Vick's indictment earlier this week, over some dog fighting investigation means he may not even be able to start the season on time.

Seriously, this is strike four, Ron Mexico, Middle Fingers, Water Bottle and Dog Fighting. Does it just go from bad to worse for Vick or what?

Worse yet, what can the Falcons do? They are screwed now, Vick may never be the same. Advertisers will not want to continue to support this clown - I don't even want him on my fantasy football team this year.

The latest is now that Nike are holding off on the release of the new shoe given all of these circumstances. Who knows, maybe Vick will come out of this smelling like roses. There is a high probability he will walk away from this with a slap on the wrist and maybe he will play even harder!

Heres to the NFC west sucking even more - GO 49ERS!

The Simpsons Movie Preview

The Simpsons Movie is about a week away and I figured it would be a good time to do a little preview. I'm sure you have all seen the trailers and teasers (if you have not, I've included a sample below for you to view). Normally I think trailers ruin a movie because it gives away most of the important parts. However, I think The Simpsons will be able to live up to the hype.

They're really promoting this movie in high gear now. So far the hype has included:
Either way, the movie is going to rock. It cannot disappointment, they have been on the air since 1989 and during that time they have stumbled but they still provide quality entertainment. The movie might have been better if it were during the height of The Simpsons - but it'll do for now. This summer we get to witness it first hand. I hope you guys enjoy Fat Tony and the whole cast of Simpsons characters.

To get you in the mood for the movie I've included some of my favorite Simpsons quotes:

Ralph: Me fail English? That’s unpossible.
Homer: Oh, so they have Internet on computers now!
Comic Book Guy: Last night’s “Itchy and Scratchy Show” was, without a doubt, the worst episode *ever.* Rest assured, I was on the Internet within minutes, registering my disgust throughout the world.
Homer: You don’t like your job, you don’t strike. You go in every day and do it really half-assed. That’s the American way.
Smithers: Uh, no, they’re saying “Boo-urns, Boo-urns.”
Homer: Kids, you tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is, never try.
Homer: Marge, it takes two to lie. One to lie and one to listen.
Bart: I didn’t think it was physically possible, but this both sucks *and* blows.
Homer: Lisa, vampires are make-believe, like elves, gremlins, and Eskimos.
Homer: Donuts. Is there anything they can’t do?

The Simpsons Movie Trailer #1

The Simpsons Movie Trailer #2

The Simpsons Movie Trailer #3

The Simpsons Movie Teaser

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Upcoming Game- Guitar Hero Encore: Rocks The 80's

Guitar Hero Encore- Rocks The 80's

This game set to release on July 24th in North America is a follow up of Guitar Hero 2 and is coming out before Guitar Hero 3. I am really looking forwards to this game, some of my favorite songs are from the 80's so I will enjoy this. The following is the song list for the game according to wikipedia.org.

1. Opening Licks

2. Amp Warmers

3. String Snappers

4. Return of the Shred

5. Relentless Riffs

6. Furious Fretwork

Friday, July 13, 2007

Music Review- Panama

Van Halen- Panama

Amazing song from the 80's, as you can tell from the video (which is kind of bad) that it's really old. It has an awesome chorus I always sing along to it.

Video: 5/10
Song: 9.5/10

My Rating: 8.8/10

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

PS2 Review- Flatout 2

Flatout 2

A lot of game modes to choose from under "Single Player" heading, some including, Career, Stunt and Derby.

The career mode is awesome, you first have to pick a car, well buy one, then as you advance through your career you get more money for upgrades and to buy a new car. In your career you play in a variety of things including races, demolition derby's and stunts. Really fun to play.

Stunt mode is very fun, addictive and comical. You play in a variety of mini games including Baseball, Bowling, Ski-jump, Royal Flush and more. Basically all you do is launch your driver through the windshield at a certain point and angle and depending on the game, you have to reach the goal.

Derby, which is the demolition derby is by far my favorite game mode. All you do is pick a car, one of many then you enter a field with 7 other cars. From there all you do is wreck, you have nitrous to boost you into the target car faster and harder. The goal is to be the last car on the field, just wreck but don't get wrecked.

Multiplayer is also available in Flatout 2. For some reason I couldn't start a derby in multiplayer because I couldn't find the option to do so. Anyways you can play in races against each other, or make a party mode where you can have up to six players in mini game stunts. Fun.

Summary, graphics, gameplay, controls and sound effects are all great. Nothing to complain about, especially if you love destroying things, this game is the game for you. I really enjoyed playing this game, I love it. It also has a decent soundtrack which some games lack.

My Rating: 9.5/10

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Random Video 2- Rejected Wii Play games

I also thought this was funny. It was very well put together.

My rating: 9.5/10


I just decided to post this, because I thought it was funny. This is the famous Halo game character "Master Cheif" dancing to some techno song. I guess we know what he does in his spare time.

PSP Review- PSP

Playstation Portable

The PSP is a neat portable video game console, music player and photo viewer. It also has the capability to access the internet, but typing in the address is kind of annoying since to takes a long time, but other then then another great feature.

The PSP was designed perfectly, with around a 4 inch widescreen and when you hold it you can press close to any button and it also feels good to hold it, like a decent video game controller. The sound quality is amazing, but it doesn't go as loud as I expected but otherwise good. The UMD disks are unique and has a protective case so you can't put scratches on the disk. The graphics are amazing compared to the size of the PSP, I was amazed.

One bad thing that I saw with the PSP is the battery life. It seems like it died whenever I want to use it, so then I have to wait for it to charge up again. Gets annoying.

Summary: PSP was an amazing invention, I would never get tired of using it, I always keep my memory card full of songs and even TV shows that you can put on it, but getting it in the right format is kind of difficult.

My Rating: 9.3/10

Monday, July 9, 2007

PS2 Review- Corvette


Plenty of game modes to chose from including: Arcade mode
Career mode
Multiplayer mode
and other special modes that you can unlock as you progress in the game like Hot Lap Challenge, Circuit Endurance and Route 66 checkpoint.

Under Arcade mode you have 5 stages which are made into classes of cars. Starting with the oldest in C1 right up to C5 which are the newer Corvettes. In each stage there are 5 tracks, so 25 in total. In order to unlock the next stage in each heading, you have to place within a certain range which is specified.

In Quick Race you have 13 places with different tracks that you can unlock from Arcade Mode. Quick race game play is not so different from Arcade mode.

Career mode is pretty simple, you again have the 5 classes (C1-C5) with 23 tracks in total. Once again you have to come in a specified place to unlock the next track or stage. Its not very creative.

Special mode is fun for people who enjoy mini games for racing like time trials or beat the cop etc.

Multiplayer is the same as in any other racing game where its just you and your buddy racing each other. The good thing about this is that you can pick any car from any class C1-C5 with cars dating from 1953-2003.

Graphics in Corvette are actually pretty decent with good car and track detail. Sound effects are also good. Except for the menu background music which is repetitive and boring in my opinion. The controls are basic. Same as any other racing game. The gas button, brakes, reverse and hand brake which is hard to control.

In summary this game is mediocre, I like the graphics but I would only ever play it again if it was the only racing game left, since it is not as fun or "cool" compared to the new age racing games.

My Rating: 6.5/10