Sunday, February 10, 2008

Dell drops AMD chips from many machines

Wow, sure glad that I shorted AMD after going long on them at $11 and watching it drop to $7! Now I'm short at $7.5 and she is coming down! Might cover after the full impact of this news hits next week. Check out my Investing911 Blog.

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Baseball Allstars NES: Boston Red Sox Choke

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Report: McNamee Turns Over Physical Evidence On Clemens

Brian McNamee has turned over physical evidence that Roger Clemens' former trainer believes will show the seven-time Cy Young Award winner used performance-enhancing drugs, McNamee's attorneys told The New York Daily News.I knew there was a reason I didn't like Rocket Roger. Just something about him. He will pay for his wrong doing!

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If Banner Ads Were Forced To Be Truthful...

What would banner ads look like in a world where they were required to tell the honest truth? These 35 images show you.

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Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Bad Ideas: $1.1 million paid for world's stupidest domain

As the real world's real-estate bubble pops, a virtual one continues to inflate., a British travel agent, has paid $1.1 million for the domain name An exorbitant sum to let pasty Englishmen know they are able to purchase more than one cruise at a time.

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Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Brady - Superbowl Choke

Looks like this Xbox 360 was happy after Tom Brady choked.